,Ibrolipim increases ABCA1/G1 expression by the LXRα signaling pathway in THP-1 macrophage-derived f
【作 者】
【机 构】
Institute of Cardiovascular Research,Key Laboratory for Atherosclerology of Hunan Province,Life Scie
【出 处】
,Adenosine A1 receptor-mediated transactivation of the EGF receptor produces a neuroprotective effec
苎麻(Bochmeria nivea L.Gaud)是我国特产的重要纤维作物。占全世界总产量的95%,纺织加工能力约占80%。其纤维品质优良,在纺织上有重要地位,因而在世界上素有“中国草”的美誉。但在生产上存在遗传背景复杂,育种周期太长的问题,严重限制了苎麻新品种的培育。目前已经有许多作物通过单倍体途径获得纯和二倍体植株用于育种研究。花药培养是获得单倍体比较简单的方法。本实验通过对谈家何麻等13个
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Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of the effects of Sinomenine (SIN) on the invasion and migration ability of activated human monocyti
,Induction of G2/M arrest by pseudolaric acid B is mediated by activation of the ATM signaling pathw
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of pseudolaric acid B (PLAB)-induced cell cycle arrest in human melanoma SK-28 cells. Methods: Cell