儒家贤宗曾子的故乡山东嘉祥,是中 国石雕和漫画石刻发祥地,享誉“石雕之 乡”的美称。置身此地,犹如走进了 石雕艺术的大海,到处都能欣 赏到精美绝伦的石雕艺术:龙 亭凤柱,琼楼玉阁,飞禽走 兽,人物花草以及仿古器 皿等,大的几十米,重百 吨,小的几厘米,几克 重。能
The hometown of Confucian virtuous Zengzi Jiaxiang, Shandong, is the birthplace of Chinese stone carvings and cartoon stone carvings and is famous for “the hometown of stone carvings.” Exposure to this place, like into the sea of stone art, everywhere you can enjoy the exquisite stone art: Dragon Pavilion Feng Zhu, Jade House jade Pavilion, birds and animals, flowers and plants and other antique objects, the large tens of meters, heavy One hundred tons, a few centimeters small, a few grams of weight. can