2005年对合肥市大房郢水库的浮游生物进行了调查,初步鉴定结果:浮游植物8门62属99种,以蓝藻门、绿藻门、硅藻门为主。月平均细胞密度与生物量分别为302.11×104cell.L-1、2.268 3 mg.L-1。浮游动物76种,其中原生动物24种,轮虫30种,枝角类11种,桡足类11种。月平均个体数量与生物量分别为18 891 ind.L-1、1.817 1 mg.L-1。按马加利夫多样性指数法判定,大房郢水库的水质处于寡污型与β-中污型阶段。此外,提出了利用生物操纵技术等方法改善大房郢水库水质的建议。
In 2005, the plankton in Dafangtiao Reservoir in Hefei City were investigated. The preliminary identification results showed that phytoplankton were 8 species, 62 genera and 99 species, with cyanobacteria, chlorophyta and diatom. The average monthly cell density and biomass were 302.11 × 104cell.L-1,2.268 3 mg.L-1. There are 76 species of zooplankton, including 24 protozoa, 30 rotifer, 11 species of cladocerans and 11 species of copepods. The monthly average number of individuals and biomass were 18 891 ind.L-1, 1.817 1 mg.L-1, respectively. According to the Margaritx diversity index method, the water quality of the Da Fangfang Reservoir is in the stage of oligo-type and beta-macro-fouling. In addition, some suggestions are put forward to improve the water quality of Dafangying Reservoir by using biological manipulation techniques.