春满“黄泛区” 离开黄河岸,我们便进入了黄泛区。1938年6月,国民党反动派在花园口扒开黄河大堤,豫皖苏3省44个县89万生灵葬身黄水之中,54000多平方公里的土地变为泽国和泥沼。刘邓大军挺进大别山便要穿过“黄泛区”。曾经跟随刘伯承司令员、邓小平政委涉过黄泛区的原中国人民解放军海军副司令员杨国宇,在当年的日记中写道:
Spring full “Yellow River area” to leave the Yellow River bank, we entered the flood plain area. In June 1938, the Kuomintang reactionaries opened the Yellow River embankment at Huayuankou, and 89,000 souls of 44 counties in the three provinces of Yu, Wansu and Supranational provinces were buried in yellow water. Over 54,000 square kilometers of land became Zeguo and Moraine. Liu and Deng troops marched through the Dabie Mountains will have to go through the “Yellow River Panx.” Yang Guoyu, the former deputy commander of the Navy of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army who had been following Liu Bocheng’s commander and Deng Xiaoping’s political commissar on the Huanghe River, wrote in his diary that year: