
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:painangel
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随着我国教学模式逐渐从传统的应试教育向实施素质教育的转变,极大地适应了当前教学模式的改革。而素质教育的主要任务是通过学科的课堂教学来完成的,课堂教学能很好地促进师生之间的交流,从一定程度上来讲,课堂教学质量的高低决定着整个教学质量,所以要想提高初中化学的教学质量,就必须从课堂教学效率抓起,将枯燥的化学理论与实践相结合起来,在提高课堂教学效率的同时能激发学生的学习兴趣。一、初中化学课堂教学的主要特点1.课堂理论教学来源于实际生活。化学的很多教学理论都与实际生活紧密联系,生活中的一些自然现象、生活用品等都可以用化学原理去解释,这样更有助于学习理解,达到寓教于乐的目的。2.用实验来验证化学理论。化学是一门抽象的学科,它的很多理论都需要用实验来验证,所以为了更便于学生理解,教师要重视将实验引 With the gradual transition from the traditional exam-oriented education to the implementation of quality education, our teaching model has greatly adapted to the current reform in teaching mode. The main task of quality education is through classroom teaching to complete the classroom teaching can well promote the exchange between teachers and students, to a certain extent, the level of classroom teaching determines the quality of the entire teaching, so want to To improve junior high school chemistry teaching quality, we must start from the efficiency of classroom teaching, the combination of boring chemistry theory and practice, improve classroom teaching efficiency at the same time can stimulate students’ interest in learning. First, the main characteristics of junior high school chemistry classroom teaching Classroom teaching theory comes from real life. Many of chemistry’s teaching theories are closely linked with the actual life. Some natural phenomena and daily necessities in life can all be explained by the principle of chemistry, which is more conducive to learning and understanding and achieving the goal of entertaining and entertaining. 2. Experiment to validate chemistry theory. Chemistry is an abstract discipline, many of its theories need to be verified by experiments, so in order to facilitate students to understand, teachers should pay attention to the experimental lead
一、绪言 关于降雨对土壤的侵蚀,依据长期以来实地及用人工降雨装置所进行的实验,获得了大量资料和数据。这种侵蚀,它是通过雨滴降于地面时所产生的冲击作用以及雨水在地面
摘要:精当有效的问题设计是一门艺术,它不仅能够积极发挥教师的主导作用,及时调控教学进程,活跃课堂气氛,增进师生感情,促进课堂教学顺畅、和谐地发展,而且能够充分体现学生的主体地位,诱发学生学习的兴趣,激发探研、寻觅的热情,彰显学生的审美情趣。思想品德课教学中的问题设计应简要精炼、难易适度、循序渐进,提高课堂教学效率,真正把学生领进自主探索的学习过程,成为真正意义上学习的主人。  关键词:问题设计 简
Enantioseparation of aminoglutethimide was performed by high-speed counter-current chromatography with a two-phase system composed of ethyl acetate: methanol: w