1 产后失语。夏某,女,24岁,素体丰肥,眩晕痰多,腰酸背痛。新产两旬后,突然失语,伴表情淡漠,反应迟钝,站立不稳,由家人搀扶来诊。测BP18/14kPa,细询尚有身沉嗜睡,恶露极少,少腹胀满。舌淡紫,边尖红艳,苔淡黄,根厚而腻,脉弦滑。初诊为痰浊遏抑清阳,予半夏白术天麻汤,但效难应手。复诊见四肢微颤,两目亦微赤,遂知系
1 Postpartum aphasia. Xia Mou, female, 24 years old, with fertile body, dizziness, and backache. After two days of new production, suddenly aphasia, indifferent facial expression, unresponsiveness, standing instability, and help from the family to help. Measured BP18/14kPa, detailed inquiry still Shen Shen drowsiness, little lochia, abdominal fullness. The tongue is pale purple, with sharp red edges, yellowish moss, thick and greasy roots, and slippery strings. The newly diagnosed turbidity suppressed Qingyang and was given to Pinellia Baizhu Tianma Decoction. The reexamination of the limbs showed a slight trembling of the extremities.