基于星载激光多普勒测风雷达工作原理,构建了基于连续双通道Fabry-Perot(F-P)标准具的鉴频仿真系统,仿真研究了Rayleigh通道大气风速反演算法,系统分析了Rayleigh-Brillouin效应和Mie干扰信号对Rayleigh通道反演大气视线(LOS)风速的影响,并利用无线电探空数据集仿真结果统计分析了Rayleigh通道大气水平视线(HLOS)风速反演误差.结果表明,基于连续双通道F-P标准具的Rayleigh通道可反演中高层大气风速;Rayleigh-Brillouin效应和Mie干扰信号影响Rayleigh通道LOS风速反演精度;Rayleigh通道风速反演对温度精度要求最高,在晴空条件下可忽略Mie干扰信号的影响;不考虑Brillouin效应时,高度2 km以下Rayleigh通道无法反演HLOS风速,高度2 km以上Rayleigh通道反演的HLOS风速误差小于0.4 m·s-1,风速标准差在1—4 m·s-1之间;同Mie通道一样,气溶胶和云的分布影响Rayleigh通道HLOS风速反演误差.研究结果对发展星载激光雷达测风技术具有重要参考意义.
Based on the working principle of satellite-based laser Doppler wind measurement radar, a frequency-discriminating simulation system based on continuous two-channel Fabry-Perot (FP) etalon was constructed. The Rayleigh channel atmospheric wind velocity inversion algorithm was simulated and the Rayleigh-Brillouin Effect and Mie jamming signal on the Rayleigh channel retrieval atmospheric velocity (LOS) wind speed, and using the radiosonde data set simulation results to statistically analyze the Rayleigh channel atmospheric horizontal line of sight (HLOS) wind velocity inversion error.The results show that based on continuous double The Rayleigh channel of the FP etalon can be used to invert the wind speed in the middle and upper atmosphere. The Rayleigh-Brillouin effect and the Mie interference signal affect the LOS wind velocity inversion accuracy of the Rayleigh channel. The Rayleigh channel wind velocity inversion has the highest temperature accuracy and can be ignored under clear sky conditions. When the Brillouin effect is not considered, the HLOS wind speed can not be inverted by the Rayleigh channel with a height less than 2 km. The wind speed error of the HLOS retrieved by the Rayleigh channel with a height of more than 2 km is less than 0.4 m · s -1 and the standard deviation of the wind speed is between 1 and 4 m-s-1. Like the Mie channel, the distribution of aerosols and clouds affected the error of HLOS wind-velocity inversion in the Rayleigh channel. Lidar wind measurement technology has important reference value.