同志们 :1 995年 6月 ,部在安徽合肥召开了全国公路养护管理工作会议 ,对“九五”期间公路养护管理工作进行了研究部署。今天 ,在跨入新世纪 ,全国人民满怀信心地开始实施第十个五年计划之际 ,我们齐集一堂 ,共同研究新世纪初的公路养护管理工作 ,这是一次非常重要的会议。会议
Comrades: In June 1995, the ministry held a meeting on national road maintenance and management work in Hefei, Anhui, and conducted research and deployment on road maintenance and management during the Ninth Five-year Plan period. Today, as we enter the new century and the people throughout the country start implementing the Tenth Five-Year Plan with full confidence, we are gathered together to study the road maintenance and management in the new century. This is a very important meeting. meeting