缓进给磨削国外在六十年代开始在平面磨床上试验缓进给磨削,七十年代后期进一步在外圆磨床上试验。我国于1974年开始研究平面缓进给磨削工艺,1980年开始在外圆磨床上进行试验,均已取得较好效果,在生产中获得了应用。 1.缓进给磨削的特点缓进给磨削的主要特点是工件的进给速度极低,一般为10~450毫米/分;砂轮切入工件
Slow feed to grinding abroad in the 1960s began to slow grinding on the surface grinder, the seventy time to further test on a cylindrical grinding machine. In 1974, China began to study the plane slowly into the grinding process, started in 1980 on a cylindrical grinder test, have achieved good results, obtained in the production of applications. 1. Slow feed to the grinding characteristics Slow feed to the grinding of the main features of the workpiece feed rate is very low, usually 10 to 450 mm / min; grinding wheel into the workpiece