Abstract:the article briefly introduces the author and historical background of the novel "gone with the wind". This paper analyzes Scarlett's personality changes in four different periods, and makes a deep understanding of Scarlett's unique personality and the inspiration for the formation of women's consciousness in the new age.
Key words:[gone with the wind];Environment; characteristics
1. Introduction
"Gone With The Wind", which is a story about how losers of the war must learn to make a living.And it is a fiction which describes the complicated affection of one woman with two men and the changing and growth of the woman. The new perspective about Scarlett’s feminist consciousness is on its character’s weakness and cause. Based on the feminism the novel reflected, the paper focuses its character by dividing it into the following three stages.
2 Elaboration on Scarlet’s Character
Scarlet’s character during her girlhood. Scarlet is born in a magnificent family with a big plantation and hundreds of Negro slaves. At the beginning of the story, Scarlett grew up under her mother’s guidance and influence. In mother’s eyes, young girls must be sweet, gentle, and beautiful, but after marriage, they were expected to manage households, because the world was man’s world, Scarlet owns beauty and wisdom, however, she doesn't want to be controlled like other women of that times when women had no rights and freedom at all and they were forced to disguise their true desire and inner thoughts. Her feminist consciousness before the war turned to be her bravery to pursue Ashley and express her love to him, and all her early feminist consciousness was poured into her pursuit of her marriage.
3 The Causes of the Formation of Scarlet’s Character
The influence of natural environment on Scarlet’s character .The first factor that shapes Scarlet’s character is the geographical condition and life-style of the South. Because of its history and natural condition, the Old South was a place dependent on agriculture and plantation. The South, not only the land that feeds them, but also their spiritual motherland, refines Southerners' special identification in the American culture and gives them a sense of safe and belonging. That is the reason why Scarlet cherishes a deep affection to Tara. No wonder Scarlet struggles at all costs to protect and rebuild Tara. Tara gives Scarlet a kind of strength, which urges her to earn a life in the troubled time bravely. 4 Two Important Issues Reflected in the Process of the Changing of the Character of Scarlet
4.1 The Darwinian idea of "Survival of the Fittest" reflected in the life of Scarlet . Darwinian concept of "the survival of the fittest" tells people that we should keep changing with the alteration of the society. We should be capable of readjusting our outlook and professional skills to become adaptable to the ever-changing world. Scarlet is a heroine who is able to establish a new life on the ruins of the old world. That is just in accordance with the Darwinian Concept of "survival of the fittest”.
4.2 Feminism reflected in the novel Scarlet is a girl with rebel ideas, which are progressive in a certain sense in modern times. Scarlet’s thoughts and behaviors must be considered to be revolting and improper at that time, but she is just longing for liberation and struggling for a living. She is courageous enough to express her love to Ashley in the party held in the Twelve Oaks, and she is brave enough to accept Rhett's invitation for dancing in the party, which has irritated many traditional old people. In modern society, women should struggle and battle for liberation, freedom and equal rights. The society should give women more room for showing and making use of their potential to make contribution for the world.
5 Conclusion
Margaret Mitchell, a woman writer with ambition in literature, offered us an insightful portrayal of an entrancing and controversial female character—Scarlet O'Hara, who is a woman with strong determination and courage to survive and support her family in the troubled times. Two issues has been reflected in this novel, that are the Darwinian idea of "survival of the fittest" and feminism. Darwin's ideas of evolution and the concept of "the survival of the fittest" tells people that we should keep changing with the alteration of the society. And another important issue is feminism which has been attracting people's attention throughout so many centuries. So far, Feminism has made many achievements, for example, many women in modern times go out to work, they have gained many rights that only owned by men in old times and so on. Today, there are so many successful women in various fields. Despite all feminists' achievements, the majority of feminists are sure that they still have plenty of work to do.
Works Cited
[1]Margaret Mitchell.Gone with the Wind [M].Xi’an:Global Press, 2005.
[2]Moi.Sexual/Texual Politics [M].P.92
[3]Rita Felski.Beyond Feminist Aesthetics Feminist Literature and Social Change[M].UK: Hutchinson, 1989:23
[4]柯彥玢.创业的妇女—论薇拉·凯瑟的《啊,拓荒者》和《我的 安东尼亚》中女性的形象[J].国外文学(季刊),1997(4):60-65.
[5]杨静远.〈飘〉在文学史上的地位 [ J] .读书, 1981 (3):42 -45 .
[6]K K Ruthven.Feminist Literary Studies: an Introduction [M]. London:Cambridge University Press,1984.
[7]Mitchell M.Gone with the Wind [M].范希春,马德高,编.北京: 当代中国出版社,2002.
[8]付秀萍,徐圣稚.从《飘》的主人公斯佳丽身上看玛格丽特的女 性意识[J].安徽文学,2006(10):48-49.
[9]彭俊广.婚姻突围失败所折射的女性话语权的缺失——小说 《飘》主人公郝思嘉形象辨析[J].湖南科技学院学报,2008(5): 26-28.
[10]唐丽娜.从未随风而逝——《飘》的女性意識[J].湘潭师范学院 学报,2008(5):83-84.
[11]张魁.女性主义话语理论综述[J].宁波大学学报,2006(9):11- 1
Key words:[gone with the wind];Environment; characteristics
1. Introduction
"Gone With The Wind", which is a story about how losers of the war must learn to make a living.And it is a fiction which describes the complicated affection of one woman with two men and the changing and growth of the woman. The new perspective about Scarlett’s feminist consciousness is on its character’s weakness and cause. Based on the feminism the novel reflected, the paper focuses its character by dividing it into the following three stages.
2 Elaboration on Scarlet’s Character
Scarlet’s character during her girlhood. Scarlet is born in a magnificent family with a big plantation and hundreds of Negro slaves. At the beginning of the story, Scarlett grew up under her mother’s guidance and influence. In mother’s eyes, young girls must be sweet, gentle, and beautiful, but after marriage, they were expected to manage households, because the world was man’s world, Scarlet owns beauty and wisdom, however, she doesn't want to be controlled like other women of that times when women had no rights and freedom at all and they were forced to disguise their true desire and inner thoughts. Her feminist consciousness before the war turned to be her bravery to pursue Ashley and express her love to him, and all her early feminist consciousness was poured into her pursuit of her marriage.
3 The Causes of the Formation of Scarlet’s Character
The influence of natural environment on Scarlet’s character .The first factor that shapes Scarlet’s character is the geographical condition and life-style of the South. Because of its history and natural condition, the Old South was a place dependent on agriculture and plantation. The South, not only the land that feeds them, but also their spiritual motherland, refines Southerners' special identification in the American culture and gives them a sense of safe and belonging. That is the reason why Scarlet cherishes a deep affection to Tara. No wonder Scarlet struggles at all costs to protect and rebuild Tara. Tara gives Scarlet a kind of strength, which urges her to earn a life in the troubled time bravely. 4 Two Important Issues Reflected in the Process of the Changing of the Character of Scarlet
4.1 The Darwinian idea of "Survival of the Fittest" reflected in the life of Scarlet . Darwinian concept of "the survival of the fittest" tells people that we should keep changing with the alteration of the society. We should be capable of readjusting our outlook and professional skills to become adaptable to the ever-changing world. Scarlet is a heroine who is able to establish a new life on the ruins of the old world. That is just in accordance with the Darwinian Concept of "survival of the fittest”.
4.2 Feminism reflected in the novel Scarlet is a girl with rebel ideas, which are progressive in a certain sense in modern times. Scarlet’s thoughts and behaviors must be considered to be revolting and improper at that time, but she is just longing for liberation and struggling for a living. She is courageous enough to express her love to Ashley in the party held in the Twelve Oaks, and she is brave enough to accept Rhett's invitation for dancing in the party, which has irritated many traditional old people. In modern society, women should struggle and battle for liberation, freedom and equal rights. The society should give women more room for showing and making use of their potential to make contribution for the world.
5 Conclusion
Margaret Mitchell, a woman writer with ambition in literature, offered us an insightful portrayal of an entrancing and controversial female character—Scarlet O'Hara, who is a woman with strong determination and courage to survive and support her family in the troubled times. Two issues has been reflected in this novel, that are the Darwinian idea of "survival of the fittest" and feminism. Darwin's ideas of evolution and the concept of "the survival of the fittest" tells people that we should keep changing with the alteration of the society. And another important issue is feminism which has been attracting people's attention throughout so many centuries. So far, Feminism has made many achievements, for example, many women in modern times go out to work, they have gained many rights that only owned by men in old times and so on. Today, there are so many successful women in various fields. Despite all feminists' achievements, the majority of feminists are sure that they still have plenty of work to do.
Works Cited
[1]Margaret Mitchell.Gone with the Wind [M].Xi’an:Global Press, 2005.
[2]Moi.Sexual/Texual Politics [M].P.92
[3]Rita Felski.Beyond Feminist Aesthetics Feminist Literature and Social Change[M].UK: Hutchinson, 1989:23
[4]柯彥玢.创业的妇女—论薇拉·凯瑟的《啊,拓荒者》和《我的 安东尼亚》中女性的形象[J].国外文学(季刊),1997(4):60-65.
[5]杨静远.〈飘〉在文学史上的地位 [ J] .读书, 1981 (3):42 -45 .
[6]K K Ruthven.Feminist Literary Studies: an Introduction [M]. London:Cambridge University Press,1984.
[7]Mitchell M.Gone with the Wind [M].范希春,马德高,编.北京: 当代中国出版社,2002.
[8]付秀萍,徐圣稚.从《飘》的主人公斯佳丽身上看玛格丽特的女 性意识[J].安徽文学,2006(10):48-49.
[9]彭俊广.婚姻突围失败所折射的女性话语权的缺失——小说 《飘》主人公郝思嘉形象辨析[J].湖南科技学院学报,2008(5): 26-28.
[10]唐丽娜.从未随风而逝——《飘》的女性意識[J].湘潭师范学院 学报,2008(5):83-84.
[11]张魁.女性主义话语理论综述[J].宁波大学学报,2006(9):11- 1