The plural suffixes of Jurchen can be divided into two categories according to their phonetic forms, one is -sa / -s / -si which belongs to syllable; the other is -l / -r which belongs to consonant. And Jurchen -sa / -s are the same type of Manchu -sa / -s / -so, -so not seen in the existing jade characters in stone. Manchu -si corresponds to -si of Jurchen, and -ta / -t of Manchu has not yet appeared in the existing Jurchen jade. There are 10 nouns in the Jurchen language, of which the main one is the same as the Manchu language, except for the clause, which is in other forms. Nine out of the main grid are used to express a special phonetic alphabet, the majority of lattice suffix has a harmonious variant. Some of the lattice suffixes of these harmonious variants have disappeared in Manchuria; some have been reduced to a single form of non-harmonic variation. On the contrary, the suffixes of secondary characters in Manchurian originating from real words or postpositions have no corresponding form in Jurchen language. One common characteristic is that the language of the Jurchen-Manchu system does not have the grammatical suffix of the same form.