
来源 :环境与职业医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edisonckw
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[目的]抽查上海市杨浦区工业园区企业存在的职业病危害因素种类与浓度(强度),及其贯彻国家职业卫生法规开展职业病防治工作的状况。[方法]依据《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》等法律、法规和国家职业卫生标准,对辖区内2个工业园区10家入驻企业工作场所粉尘、噪声、化学有害物质、高温进行检测。按照上海市卫生监督部门统一印制的《工业园区入驻企业检查表》依法对抽检的入驻企业职业病危害因素、建设项目卫生审核、职业病危害项目申报、职业健康监护、作业场所检测评价,以及近3年来卫生行政处罚情况等进行监督检查。[结果]入驻企业的较多岗位存在职业病危害因素,建设项目卫生审核率为20%,职业病危害项目申报率为90%,定期职业健康体检率为93.8%。工作场所主要职业病危害因素以机床喷漆苯超标最为严重,短时间接触浓度(STEL)、时间加权平均浓度(TWA)最高值分别超过职业接触限值44.30倍和14.20倍;铸造清砂岗位的矽尘和铸造打磨、振动落砂等岗位的噪声强度,以及热处理电炉操作岗位等的高温均分别超过国家职业卫生限值。[结论]园区入驻企业职业卫生管理与国家职业卫生法律、法规要求尚有较大差距,建立有效的职业卫生监督管理机制是治本之策。 [Objective] The research aimed to investigate the types and concentrations (intensity) of occupational hazards existing in enterprises in Yangpu District Industrial Park in Shanghai and the status of occupational disease prevention and control carried out by implementing national occupational health regulations. [Method] According to “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases” and other laws, regulations and national occupational health standards, the dust, noise, chemical harmful substances and high temperature of 10 settled enterprises in two industrial parks in the area were detected. According to the “Inspection Form for Industrial Parks Entitled to Enterprises in the Industrial Parks” uniformly printed by the health supervision department of Shanghai Municipality, the occupational hazards, the health audits of construction projects, the declaration of occupational hazards, the occupational health monitoring, the testing and evaluation of workplaces, and nearly 3 Years of administrative sanctions and other health supervision and inspection. [Results] There were occupational hazards in more posts in the enterprises. The health examination rate of construction projects was 20%, the application rate of occupational disease hazards was 90%, and the regular occupational health examination rate was 93.8%. The main occupational hazards in the workplace were those with excessive benzene exceeding the standard of spraying benzene, the short-term exposure concentration (STEL) and the highest TWA value exceeding the occupational exposure limits by 44.30 times and 14.20 times, respectively; And casting grinding, shaking off the sand and other positions of the noise intensity, as well as heat treatment furnace operating positions and other high temperatures were more than the national occupational health limits. [Conclusion] There is a big gap between the occupational health management of enterprises settled in the park and the laws and regulations of national occupational health. Establishing an effective occupational health supervision and management mechanism is the fundamental solution.
本刊讯(刘雨东 王俊贤) 日前,记者从山东省潍坊市住建局工程建设科获悉,为认真贯彻落实上级关于“安全生产月”活动要求,该市派出五个检查组,全面启动建筑施工安全生产大检查
研究了用粉末热锻工艺制备耐热铝基复合材料的过程以及SiC颗粒增强Al -Fe -V -Si耐热铝基复合材料的力学性能和室温、中温耐磨性。研究结果表明 ,SiC颗粒提高了复合材料强度