俗话说:“虽能把牛牵至河边,但不能强迫牛喝水!”这句话说得一点也没错,再温驯的牛,如果它不口渴,就算把它带到河边,也不会自动去喝水。对待孩子也是一样,催促孩子读书,或强迫他打开书本,若是他根本不想吸收阅读的内容,一切都是枉然。孩子如不想“喝水”,知识便“一滴”也无法渗进脑中。不仅如此,强迫孩子读书,有时反而会引发不正常的拒绝读书症。孩子可能会推说书桌有异味,或一打开书本,肚子就疼痛不已! 话虽如此,但也不能采取放任态度,做母亲的应该想办法让孩子自己爱念书,而不是被父母强迫去读书。
As the saying goes: “Although cattle can be brought to the river, but you can not force the cow to drink water!” This is not a bad remark. The tame cow, if it is not thirsty, takes it to the river, Will not automatically drink water. The same applies to children, urging their children to study, or forcing him to open a book. If he does not want to absorb what he reads, everything is in vain. If a child does not want to “drink water”, knowledge will not “drip” into the brain. Not only that, to force children to study, sometimes it will lead to abnormal refusal to read book disease. The child may push the desk to smell or open the book as soon as the book is opened, and the pain of the stomach will not stop. However, you should not take a laissez-faire attitude. Mothers should find ways to let their children love reading books instead of being forced to go to school by their parents.