爱因斯坦曾经说过:“提出一个问题比解决一个问题更重要。”世界上许多发明创造都源于“疑问”、“质疑”是开启创新之门的钥匙。由此可见,“质疑”应成为教学过程中必不可少的环节。那么,在课堂教学中如何培养学生质疑问难的能力呢? 一、创设质疑氛围 “学贵有疑,小疑则小进,大疑则大进。”但是,目前的课堂教学中许多教师还是串讲串问,牵着学生走,没有留给学生积极思维的空间。要将“质疑”引入课堂,教师首先要更新观念,明确提问不仅是教师的权利,更应该是学生的权利。教师应引导学生在学习新知的基础上,大胆质疑,积极探索。由于学生间存在着个别差异,在质疑问难时,往往不能提在点子上、关键处。这时,教师应以鼓励为主,消除学生的畏惧心理,激发他们质疑问难的热情。如果遇到学生没有问题或提不出有价值
Einstein once said: “It is more important to ask a question than to solve it.” Many of the inventions and innovations in the world stem from “doubt,” and “questioning” is the key to unlocking the door to innovation. This shows that “questioning” should become an indispensable part of the teaching process. So, how to cultivate students’ ability to question and answer difficult questions in classroom teaching? First, to create a questioning atmosphere “You are suspicious, small suspicion is small, big suspicion is big.” However, the current classroom teaching many teachers or string Ask, take the students to go, there is no room for students to think positive. To introduce “questioning” into the classroom, teachers should first update their concepts and clarify questions not only as teachers ’rights but also as students’ rights. Teachers should guide students on the basis of learning new knowledge, boldly question and actively explore. Due to the individual differences among students, they often can not be mentioned in ideas or key points when they are being questioned. At this time, teachers should encourage the main elimination of students’ fear, inspire them to question the enthusiasm of asking questions. If there is no problem with the students or can not mention valuable