Purpose Because of the benefit-risk ratio of menopausal HT to menopausal HT at different periods after menopause, NAMS North American Association for Clinicians and Volkswagen published in March 2007 an evidence-based medicine on post-menopausal women using HT Position statement. Design an expert group of experienced clinicians and researchers specializing in women’s health care work, review the position statement of March 2007, evaluate the evidence available through evidence-based analysis, and agree on the recommendations. The panel’s recommendations are reviewed and approved by the NAMS Council on the basis of the formal position statement. The document is provided to other interested organizations to seek their approval. Results In light of the understanding of the potential benefits and risks of HT before and after menopause, available evidence supports consensus regarding the role of HT in postmenopausal women. This article lists the areas covered and related explanations and explanations. Highlighted the differences from the 2007 position statement. The appendix contains a discussion of the notion of “danger”, new additions to the 2007 statement, and recommendations for future HT research areas. The article also lists the main bibliography. CONCLUSIONS Current data support the initiation of HT for the treatment of menopausal symptoms before and after menopause; the treatment of certain diseases or the reduction of their risk; for example, prophylactic or therapeutic treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis or fractures. The benefit of menopausal HT-hazard is best than short-term before and after menopause, which is reduced with age and prolonged menopause in untreated women.