对莱钢3号高炉风口灌渣后炉况快速恢复操作实践进行了总结。通过采取控制送风比、快速加风、过量补煤等一系列措施,仅用7.5 h铁水铁水温度达到1500℃以上,13 h操作参数恢复到休风前水平,实现了炉况的快速恢复。
The practice of rapid recovery of furnace condition after slag blasting at Blast furnace No. 3 of Laiwu Steel was summarized. Through a series of measures such as control of air blowing ratio, rapid aeration and excessive coal feeding, the hot metal temperature reached 1500 ℃ in only 7.5 h, and the operating parameters returned to the pre-wind level in 13 h, achieving a quick recovery of furnace conditions.