湘军系以湖南儒生为骨干,用理学作纽带,在镇压太平天国运动过程中兴起的地主武装。湘军巨魁胡林翼的发迹,对湘军由弱变强产生了很大影响。 胡林翼(1812年—1861年),字贶生,号润芝(又作润之、咏芝),生于湖南益阳一书香之家,祖父胡显韶,博涉经史,以诸生执教乡里。父亲胡达源,1819年中进士,名列一甲三名(探花),官至詹事府少詹事,毕生崇奉理学,著《弟子箴言》16卷、《闻妙香轩诗文集》4卷。
The Hunan Army took Hunan Confucianism as its backbone and used Neo-Confucianism as a link in the suppression of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom during the rise of the armed landlord. The fortunes of Hu Linh-hui, the great governor of the Hunan army, have had a great impact on the Hunan army from weakness to strength. Hu Linyi (1812-1861), the word 贶 Health, No. Runzhi (also for Run Zhi, Wing Chi), was born in Yiyang, Hunan, a book of incense, grandfather Hu Shanshao, Bo through the history, with the students coached the village. His father, Hu Dayuan, was a junior high school student in 1819, ranking one of the top three in the world (third overall). His official was Jianshan less Zhanshi, his life devoted to science, his 16 volumes of “Proverbs of Disciples” and 4 volumes of Wen Wen Xiang Xuan’s Collection of Poems.