The holographic principle and method are used to study the phase-shift phase measurement. The synchronic multiplication function (N-step phase shift function) of the N-phase full-amplitude phase-shifted reconstructed object is obtained. Meanwhile, a new phase error analysis and maximum error Estimation method. The N-step phase shift interferogram is a nondiffracting coaxial hologram with perfect parallel light as the reference light, which is multiplied by the corresponding phase-shifted reference light to obtain the N-step phase shift function. In the ideal case, this is A method of complex amplitude separation, measurement, and object-light complex amplitude function synchronization superimposition method, the phase expected in the presence of error is the best expected result of the least square method. Using the N + 1-step phase shift function obtained from the N-phase phase shift function, it is shown that the non-ideal N-phase phase shift function is the sum of the ideal N-phase phase shift function and the error function, and the phase-type error can be transformed into a relative error with amplitude and intensity The same error is treated, the difficulty of the error estimation in the phase measurement is reduced, and the estimation method and the formula of the maximum error of the N-step phase shift algorithm are given.