
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yfzzx
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The coupling of methane in the presence of oxygen under pulse corona plasma was examined under normal pressure and at ambient temperature. Experimental results show that composition and distribution of C2 products in the presence of oxygen is similar to that in the absence of oxygen. With increasing energy input to the plasma reactor,methane conversion,oxygen conversion and C2 yield were enhanced. Increasing the O2/CH4 ratio gave higher conversions of methane and oxygen. The yield of C2 products increased slightly only in the range of O2/CH4 ratio less than 0.16 when feeding with a mixture of methane and oxygen. If oxygen is introduced at the end of the methane plasma,a higher C2 yield and lower CO yield can be obtained and CO2 can not be detected in the product. The coupling of methane in the presence of oxygen under pulse corona plasma was examined under normal pressure and at ambient temperature. Experimental results show that composition and distribution of C2 products in the presence of oxygen is similar to that in the absence of oxygen. With increasing Increasing the O2 / CH4 ratio gave higher conversions of methane and oxygen. The yield of C2 products increased slightly only in the range of O2 / CH4 ratio less than 0.16 when fed with a mixture of methane and oxygen. If oxygen is introduced at the end of the methane plasma, a higher C2 yield and lower CO yield can be obtained and CO2 can not be detected in the product.
讨论了一类电液位置控制系统,它由一个可连续调节流量的小流 量阀和一个开关型的大流量阀并联组成。对其稳定性条件、位置控制性能等进行了分析,并 以比例阀和开关阀并联系统为
根据曲轴的结构和受力特征 ,通过数学计算公式推导和计算机辅助方法 ,将作用在轴颈上的分布力和主轴颈端面上的弯矩和扭矩自动转换成节点力 .该方法速度快捷、精度高 ,适用于单缸机和多缸机的单拐曲柄和整体曲轴 .文中给出了一台四缸柴油机曲轴的计算实例
阵列入射信号时变参数的联合跟踪 ,是我军在现代电子战中进行有效电子防御和进攻时需要解决的首要问题 .本文针对非时变参数估计方法不能适应时变参数跟踪的问题 ,首先讨论了
膜片弹簧的非线性弹性特性给汽车离合器的高精度自动控制带来 困难。针对这类特性已知的 非线性输入,根据广义能量原理和反函数定理设计非线性补偿器,从理论上证明了闭环控制