Hydrogen-induced amorphization of Zr-Cu-Ni-Al alloy

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jnyinli
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Arc melting was utilized in this study to produce Zr_(55)Cu_(30)Ni_5Al_(10) alloys under mixed atmospheres with various ratios of high-purity hydrogen to argon. The influences of hydrogen addition on the solidification structure and glass-forming ability of Zr_(55)Cu_(30)Ni_5Al_(10) alloy were determined by examining microstructures in different parts of the cast ingots. The results showed that different degrees of crystallization structures were obtained in the ascast button ingots after arc melting in high-purity Ar, and the cross-sectional solidification morphology of arcmelted ingots was found to consist of crystals with varying from the bottom up. By contrast, there were completely amorphous structures in the middle and upper areas of the as-cast button ingots fabricated by adding 10% H_2 to the high-purity Ar atmosphere. A clear solidification interface was found between the crystal and glass in the ascast button ingots, which indicates that hydrogen addition can enhance the Zr_(55)Cu_(30)Ni_5Al_(10) alloy’s glass-forming ability. The precise mechanism responsible for this was also investigated. Arc melting was utilized in this study to produce Zr_ (55) Cu_ (30) Ni_5Al_ (10) alloys under mixed atmospheres with various ratios of high-purity hydrogen to argon. The influences of hydrogen addition on solidification structure and glass-forming ability of Zr_ (55) Cu_ (30) Ni_5Al_ (10) alloys were determined by examining microstructures in different parts of the cast ingots. The results showed that different degrees of crystallization structures were obtained in the ascast button ingots after arc melting in high-purity Ar, and the cross-sectional solidification morphology of arcmelted ingots was found to consist of crystals with varying from the bottom up. By contrast, there were completely amorphous structures in the middle and upper areas of the as-cast button ingots fabricated by adding 10 % H_2 to the high-purity Ar atmosphere. A clear solidification interface was found between the crystal and glass in the ascast button ingots, which indicates that hydrogen addition can enhance the Zr_ ( 55) Cu_ (30) Ni_5Al_ (10) alloy’s glass-forming ability. The precise mechanism responsible for this was also investigated.
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我们知道美术课程从知识与技能、情感态度与审美价值等方面都有它自身的特点。它是情感与技法的融合,多样性、丰富性、表达形式的差异性,情感的独特性,都需要通过作业实践来检验教学的效果。而且,作业实践过程对培养学生乐于动手、勤于实践的意识和学习习惯也是最最有效的。为此,在美术教学中,作业的设计尤其重要。  美术课的作业要求是联系教师的“教”与学生的“学”的中介,也是联系教学目标和教学评价的中介,是十分重要
信阳毛尖是我国的名茶之一,属于绿茶系列,颜色清淡,入口醇香,是很多爱茶人士的选择。茶是我国南方的主要产物,好茶多出自生态良好的山区丘陵地带。因为这些地方,常年云雾缭绕,水分充足,气候温润,适宜茶树的生长。  在中国版图上,河南信阳处于中国五个重要分界上——南方与北方的地理分界、亚热带和暖温带的气候分界、长江与淮河的流域分界、桐柏山与大别山的山脉分界以及河南、湖北和安徽的三省交界。  大别山绵延起伏