Interviewer: Um hm.
Theron: And the…the most amazing thing that happened, though, was dogs tend to, you know, it takes them a little bit to really fall madly in love with someone, right? They know their owner and they’ll be friendly, but they won’t fall madly in love with just a stranger instantly. And this was the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever witnessed; from the moment this baby came into our home, those two dogs have never been more in love. It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed.
Interviewer: Wow!
Theron: And people keep saying, “Oh, you’re a single mom.” I’m like, “Actually I’m not.” I got two boys helping me out.
Interviewer: That’s incredible!
Theron: That’s incredible!
Interviewer: So Jackson is…is your son’s name. Theron: Yeah.
Interviewer: And everyone thinks because you’re from South Africa that he’s from South Africa. He’s not. He’s…
Theron: He’s American.
Interviewer: He’s American. And how old was he when…when you brought him home?
Theron: Nine days.
Interviewer: Nine days old. And what’s that like to all of a sudden have a…a baby…a nineday-old baby in your life?
Theron: You know, it took me a while—the process—it took around two years, so…My mom said the most beautiful thing. I’m gonna cry. She said, “You know you took nine months to grow and it took me nine months to fall in love with you while you were growing in my stomach, and just like, it took you two years to fall in love with this little baby.” And it really…it took two years of just waiting, and then one day it’s finally there, and it’s…it just feels exactly how it’s supposed to feel, like, I don’t know how to describe it. It just feels right.
Interviewer: Um hm.
Theron: And the…the most amazing thing that happened, though, was dogs tend to, you know, it takes them a little bit to really fall madly in love with someone, right? They know their owner and they’ll be friendly, but they won’t fall madly in love with just a stranger instantly. And this was the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever witnessed; from the moment this baby came into our home, those two dogs have never been more in love. It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed.
Interviewer: Wow!
Theron: And people keep saying, “Oh, you’re a single mom.” I’m like, “Actually I’m not.” I got two boys helping me out.
Interviewer: That’s incredible!
Theron: That’s incredible!
Interviewer: So Jackson is…is your son’s name. Theron: Yeah.
Interviewer: And everyone thinks because you’re from South Africa that he’s from South Africa. He’s not. He’s…
Theron: He’s American.
Interviewer: He’s American. And how old was he when…when you brought him home?
Theron: Nine days.
Interviewer: Nine days old. And what’s that like to all of a sudden have a…a baby…a nineday-old baby in your life?
Theron: You know, it took me a while—the process—it took around two years, so…My mom said the most beautiful thing. I’m gonna cry. She said, “You know you took nine months to grow and it took me nine months to fall in love with you while you were growing in my stomach, and just like, it took you two years to fall in love with this little baby.” And it really…it took two years of just waiting, and then one day it’s finally there, and it’s…it just feels exactly how it’s supposed to feel, like, I don’t know how to describe it. It just feels right.