目前可以承认,康拉德·艾肯(Conrad Aiken 1889—1973)是本世纪美国诗坛巨星。艾肯同庞德和艾略特等人交情甚笃,意象主义和象征主义对他的冲击不小。但是,当现代主义文学思潮汹涌而至之时,他对意象主义等现代派持怀疑态度。他敞开胸怀欢迎现代创作手法,同时又坚持传统。他的诗很少有艾略特式的纷乱和突变,也难见哈特·克兰式的牵强和说教。同不少当代作家一样,艾肯也主张弗洛伊德的心理分析研究是文学创作的新源泉,但他认为弗洛伊德不能提供他所需要的一切。约翰·古尔德·弗莱
It is now admitted that Conrad Aiken (1889-1973) is a superstar of American poetry this century. Aiken with Pound and Eliot et al. Very deep friendship, imagery and symbolism on his impact is not small. However, as the trend of modernist literature surged to the threshold, he was skeptical of such modernists as imagery. He opened his arms to welcome the modern creative approach, while insisting on tradition. His poems have very few Eliot-type chaos and mutation, and it is hard to see Hart Krane’s far-fetched and preaching. Like many contemporary writers, Aiken also argues that Freud’s psychoanalytic research is a new source of literary creation, but he does not think Freud can provide what he needs. John Gould Fry