多年以来 ,各级干部要“能上能下”一直是干部人事制度改革的一个重要目标 ,同时也是一个重点和难点。但是 ,人们往往对“能上”颇为看重 ,在实践中也创造了一些诸如一推双考、竞争上岗等新的办法 ,但对“能下”则讳莫如深 ,始终没有找到什么好的途径 ,致使干部队伍建设问题越积越多、越积越深。中央办公厅、国务院办公厅近期印发的《2 0 0 2— 2 0 0 5年全国人才队伍建设规划纲要》是今后几年全国人才工作的指导性文件 ,其中在“党政人才队伍建设”部分中也谈到了实现干部“能下”的问题 ,并把它规范界定为“建立和完善党政机关干部退出和淘汰机制。”这一提法为理论界对干部能下问题的研究进行了新的规定 ,同时也为理论界研究这一问题提出了新的迫切要求。
For many years, it has always been an important goal for cadres and personnel systems at all levels to “get on and off” at all levels. At the same time, it is also a key and difficult point. However, people often value “going on” and in practice they have created new measures such as pushing double exams and competing for posts. However, they have not kept a close watch on “going down” and have never found any good way. As a result, the cadres’ building problem has accumulated more and more. The “Outline for the National Talents Building Project for 2000-2005” recently issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council is the guiding document for the work of national personnel in the coming years. In the section on “building a contingent of party and government personnel” Also referred to the realization of the issue of “empowerment of cadres,” and defined it as “establishing and perfecting the mechanism for the exit and elimination of cadres from party and government organs.” This formulation provides a new theoretical basis for the research on cadres’ problem under the guidance of theorists It also put forward new and urgent requirements for the theoretical circles to study this issue.