
来源 :郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pooh__5210
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2008年,是郭沫若逝世30周年。30年来,随着社会学术思想领域的日趋活跃,关于郭沫若研究的学术纷争也不断产生,近年来更是形成了观点截然对立的状况——拥护者竭力论证和维护其革命文化旗帜的地位,反对者则列举其为文与为人的不足,对其极力否定。其实,作为“人”的郭沫若,“既不像天使那样纯洁,也不像魔鬼那样邪恶,无论是对其神圣化,抑或妖魔化,都是对真实郭沫若的一种遮蔽”。从这一立场出发,本刊约请了几位郭沫若研究方面的专家,分别就目前郭沫若研究存在的问题、郭沫若的自我定位与我们对郭沫若的定位、郭沫若的性格侧面、郭沫若研究的双重祛魅等问题进行探讨,以期还原作为“人”的郭沫若与作为学术对象的郭沫若。 2008 is the 30th anniversary of Guo Moruo’s death. In the past 30 years, with the increasingly active field of social and academic thought, the academic disputes over Guo’s research continued to emerge. In recent years, there has been a completely opposite view. Proponents struggle to demonstrate and defend their revolutionary cultural banner, Those who cited it as a literary and human deficiencies, strongly denied it. In fact, Guo Moruo, who is a “man,” is “neither as pure as an angel nor as evil as a devil, nor is it a cover for the real Kuo Mo-jo if it is sanctified or demonized.” From this standpoint, we asked some experts on Guo Moruo’s research to discuss the current problems of Guo Moruo’s research, the self-positioning of Guo Moruo and our position on Guo Moruo, the character of Guo Moruo, and the dual disenchantment of Guo Moruo’s study Problems to be discussed, with a view to restoring Guo Moruo as a “person” and Guo Moruo as an academic object.