目的验证分析长效钙拮抗剂波依定治疗高血压的疗效。方法 2009年11月至2011年01月期间,我院使用长效钙拮抗剂波依定治疗的60例高血压患者,对其治疗前、后的收缩压和舒张压,以及不良反应等临床资料,进行统计分析。结果与治疗前收缩压(25.34±2.01)相比,经波依定治疗6~10周后,收缩压降至(18.23±1.32)kPa,P<0.05,认为有统计学意义;与治疗前舒张压(21.87±1.65)相比,经波依定治疗6~10周后,舒张压降至(12.09±1.15)kPa,P<0.05,认为有统计学意义。60例高血压患者,其中显效39例,有效21例。头昏、头痛、胸闷、心悸等症状得到明显改善。少数患者服药后,出现心率加快、面色潮红、头痛,但是程度都非常轻,而且持续时间比较短,无需进行处理,可以自行缓解。结论长效钙拮抗剂波依定治疗高血压,疗效比较理想,值得临床广泛推广。
Objective To validate and analyze the curative effect of long-acting calcium antagonist-wave-dependent treatment of hypertension. Methods From November 2009 to January 2011, 60 patients with hypertension treated with long-acting calcium antagonist benazepril in our hospital were treated with the clinical data of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and adverse reactions before and after treatment ,conduct statistical analysis. Results Compared with the pre-treatment systolic blood pressure (25.34 ± 2.01), systolic blood pressure decreased to (18.23 ± 1.32) kPa, P <0.05 after 6 to 10 weeks of treatment with bendifilm, which was considered statistically significant. Compared with the control group (21.87 ± 1.65), the diastolic blood pressure decreased to (12.09 ± 1.15) kPa (P <0.05) after 6 to 10 weeks of wave-dependent treatment, which was considered statistically significant. 60 cases of hypertensive patients, of which 39 cases markedly effective in 21 cases. Dizziness, headache, chest tightness, palpitations and other symptoms have been significantly improved. After taking a small number of patients, there is an increase in heart rate, flushing, headache, but the extent is very light, and the duration is relatively short, without treatment, you can ease. Conclusion Long-acting calcium antagonist beideidin for the treatment of hypertension, the effect is ideal, it is widely recommended in clinical.