詹姆斯·罗森茨韦克(James Rosenzweig),著名管理学家,系统管理学派代表人物之一,1963年与约翰逊、弗里蒙特·卡斯特三人合写《系统理论和管理》、1970年与弗里蒙特·卡斯特合作发表的《组织与管理:系统方法与权变方法》比较全面地论述了系统管理理论。系统理论学派是指将企业作为一个有机整体,把各项管理业务看成相互联系的网络的一种管理学派。该学派重视对组织
James Rosenzweig, a famous management scientist and one of the representatives of Systematic Management School, co-wrote System Theory and Management in 1963 with Johnson and Fremont Custer, 1970 Systems and Management: A Systems Approach and a Contingency Approach, published in collaboration with Fremont Custer, discusses system management in more general terms. System theory school refers to the enterprise as an organic whole, the management of the business as a network of interconnected management school. The school attaches great importance to the organization