临床资料 本组20例病人中,男性12例,女性8例.年龄29~48岁.病程3个月至15年.诊断标准:参照中华神经精神杂志,1983;16:236. 治疗方法 清栓酶粉针剂,每支含0.25酶活力单位,治疗前做过敏试验,阴性者可用清栓梅0.25~0.5u加入250ml生理盐水成250ml 10%葡萄糖内静滴或加入40ml生理盐水中缓慢静注,每日一次,15天一疗程。个别需重复治疗者,需停药3~5天,1~3个疗程后判断疗效.疗效判定:①临床治愈 头痛发作控制,短期内
Clinical data The group of 20 patients, 12 males and 8 females. Age 29 to 48 years old. The course of 3 months to 15 years. Diagnostic criteria: refer to the Chinese Journal of Neurology, 1983; 16: 236. Treatment of thrombosis Enzyme powder injection, each containing 0.25 enzyme activity units, allergic tests before treatment, the negative can be used Qingshui Mei 0.25 ~ 0.5u added 250ml saline into 250ml 10% glucose intravenous infusion or add 40ml saline slow intravenous injection, Once daily, 15 days a course of treatment. Individual need repeated treatment, need to stop 3 to 5 days, 1 to 3 after treatment to determine the curative effect.Conclusion: ① clinical cure headache control in the short term