红门是一道槛,翻过去是我不再懦弱的青春,懂得了水与大之间有条生命线, 在我们稚嫩而又刚强的身影上延伸.红门是一座碑,屹立着我至死不渝的誓言:在人民最需要我的时候,冲锋!哪怕我的名字从此消融.红门是一扇门,门外曾走过懵懂的我们,而今走进门里,门里的哨声让懵懂与迷惘走过.绿色的岁月里我们把灾厄挡在门外,守护着千家万户的幸福与祥和、平安与欣喜.
Red Gate is a threshold, turn over is no longer my cowardly youth, understand the lifeline between the water and the big, in our tender and strong figure on the extension of the red door is a monument, stand me to death Yu’s oath: When the people need me most, charge! Even if my name from the abolition of the red door is a door, outside the door had been ignorant of us, and now walked into the door, the door whistle so ignorant and Confused walked in. Green years we put the disaster in the door, guarding the happiness and peace, peace and joy of millions of households.