1986年春,蕲春县长石乡长石村杨塆一农民挖砖瓦窑取土时,于距地表深1.5米的黄色粘土中发现1个灰色陶罐(已毁弃),内有青铜器109件和铜钱牌10枚。闻讯后,县文化局田兴旺会同长石乡王保生等同志前往现场调查,并收集了这批文物,交李时珍文物管理所收藏。镞 37件。分3式。Ⅰ式3件。双翼式。一件中脊断面呈椭
In the spring of 1986, a gray clay jug (abandoned) was found in yellow clay 1.5 meters deep from the ground when a peasant dug brick and tile kiln to take soil in Yangshui, a long stone village in Changshu County, Qichun County. There were 109 pieces of bronze ware 10 coins After hearing the news, Tianxianwang County Bureau of Landscaping and Wang Baosheng Chang Shixiang and other comrades went to the scene to investigate and collected these artifacts, handing Li Shizhen collection of cultural relics management.镞 37 pieces. Divided into 3 types. Ⅰ type 3 pieces. Two wings. A ridge in the oval section