今天的英特尔已经不再是一家芯片供 应商,而是一家依靠芯片来改造整个IT与 通信行业,甚至更广泛产业发展方向的新 厂商。尤其在通信领域,英特尔所扮演的 已经远不止是一家底层芯片厂商的角色。 在传统电信领域,无论是路由器还是 交换机或者是形式多样的网络控制器,英 特尔已经单纯从处理器供应商过度到平台 供应商,所提倡的模块化通信平台已经被 运营商和设备制造商所接受。这是因为模 块化通信平台不仅节省了产品上市时间, 而且因为模块化通信平台的灵活性,可以 让制造商和运营商更加灵活地提供产品并 部署网络和业务。
Today, Intel is no longer a chip vendor, but a new vendor that relies on chips to transform the entire IT and communications industry, or even broader industries. Especially in the communications arena, Intel has played far more than just an underlying chip maker’s role. In the traditional telecom field, whether it is routers or switches or a wide range of network controllers, Intel has moved from a processor supplier to a platform provider, and the modular communication platform promoted has been accepted by operators and equipment manufacturers . This is because the modular communications platform not only saves time to market, but also gives manufacturers and operators more flexibility in delivering products and deploying networks and services because of the flexibility of the modular communications platform.