元世祖时,卢世荣以向显 要权臣行贿而得宠,官至中书 省右丞相。他暗中勾结贪婪刻 薄的同党,用苛捐杂税剥削老 百姓,以此作为政绩。 卢世荣向元世祖建议:“如 果颁布法令征收财赋,那 么财赋将会比平常的年 岁成倍增加。”元世祖让 大臣们讨论此事。大臣们 慑于卢世荣的权势,没有 人敢表示反对。
At the time of Yuan Shizu, Lu Shirong was favored by bribery to prominent dignitaries, and was the official prime minister to the provinces. He secretly colluded with the greedy and raucous party and exploited the common people with excesses and miscellaneous taxes as a performance measure. Lu Shirong suggested to the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty: “If the decree is enacted to levy the money, then the wealth will be doubled from the normal age.” "Yuan Shizu asked the ministers to discuss the matter. Ministers are intimidated by the power of Lu Shirong, no one dared to object.