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  Youth Today——Speak, Act,Change!
  至今依然记得2009年冬天的某个晚上,我和Lavender一起跟随美国可持续发展社区协会(Institute for Sustainable Communities,简称ISC,美国的一个NGO组织)广州分部的三位负责人以及一些来自广东各高校的学生志愿者们一起前往广东省珠海市斗门镇南门小学,参加由该组织策划的一场“亲子环保游园会”。在游园会的“环保飞行棋”活动中,我看到了难忘的一幕:因为人多,队伍有点混乱,其中一位家长性子比较急想插队,但他的孩子则坚持按先后顺序排队并组织大家有序地开展活动,他的爸爸一开始很不悦,后来则开心地帮着孩子一起维持现场秩序……这只是生活中的一个小片段,却让我看到了一种力量——青少年的影响力!
  Today’s internet-3)savvy students are starting their own businesses and 4)forging their own path in life…and here are two prime examples:
  Edwin Broni-Mensah, 25: Creator of GiveMeTap
  Edwin Broni-Mensah, you could argue, is an 5)academic or a 6)philanthropist whose scheme is either 7)naively idealistic or brilliant or both. Either way, as soon as you’ve read about his idea, you’ll be 8)kicking yourself for not having thought of it. We’re sitting beside 9)the Serpentine on an unusually warm winter morning in London’s 10)Hyde Park. Broni-Mensah is patiently 11)expounding the perils of toxic 12)BPA plastic bottles. 13)Phasing out these hateful bottles is the aim of his project, now in its second year.
  It was through playing 14)squash at university that Broni-Mensah came up with GiveMeTap. Throughout his PhD, sport was his 15)sanctuary, yet something didn’t 16)add up: “Tap water is free and portable yet I was spending a 17)fiver a day on bottled water. I was like, ‘Why?’”
  The concept of GiveMeTap was born, launched online for a song, and last year won him an award as “most outstanding black student in Britain”. It works like this: you buy a tidy blue bottle made from recycled aluminium for £7 from his website and take it into any cafe which has signed up as a “provider” of the scheme. Your bottle is then filled with tap water for free, thus reducing the wastage in 18)landfill sites, helping communities in Africa install clean water pumps (70% of the £7 goes towards this) and saving your money.
  Although the scheme currently operates solely in the 19)Manchester area, Broni-Mensah has moved in with his parents in London, in order to launch it in London, it’s hoped, in time for the Olympics. In theory, he’ll be providing 1 million people with access to clean water by 2013.
  All very 20)benevolent but still, given the current climate, it seems 21)bonkers to invest seven years of education into a non-profit scheme, 22)subsidizing your rent by tutoring maths when you could be 23)making a packet in the City. “I know,” he laughs. “All my friends are bankers and I’m their poor student mate. But it’s my choice.” And, frankly, there are enough bankers to go round, allowing people like Dr. Broni-Mensah to turn 24)staggeringly obvious ideas into life-changing schemes.
  Poppy Dinsey, 23: Fashion blogger
  It is 10 am on the first day of 25)London fashion week and Poppy Dinsey has already been photographed four times. “I think it’s the coat,” she says as yet another blogging 26)fashionista takes a 27)snap of her 28)canary yellow 29)Burberry 30)mackintosh. “I am a walking 31)highlighter, essentially.”
  The coat is just one example of Dinsey’s 32)uncanny ability to 33)channel the latest 34)sartorial trends 35)with 36)consummate ease. Last year, she turned this talent into a thriving business by launching What I Wore Today (, a blog that does exactly what it says on the tin by uploading photographs of Dinsey’s chosen outfit on a regular basis, accompanied by her commentary (a 37)jumper featuring an 38)appliqué39)reindeer is deemed: “Well Christmassy.”). The website has details of where to buy the clothes, and for each sale directed through, Dinsey gets a40)percentage.
  “I started the site as a new year’s resolution,” she says, sipping a coffee outside Somerset House in London. “I was already posting what I wore on Twitter. I had 2,500 followers before I launched the site and I thought I’d try it for a year to see what happened. It wasn’t a pain to do. I mean, I’m getting dressed every day anyway.”
  But Dinsey has turned getting dressed into a successful business model: there are now plans to expand the site into a social network where anyone can upload their daily outfits and where there will be competitions in different parts of the country where users can vote for “the most fashionable” in 41)Leeds, Manchester or other cities. Again, any sale made through the website will be 42)monetized through affiliate deals. 43)Vodafone was so impressed by Dinsey that it recruited her to be an official blogger at London fashion week.
  “The site kind of supports itself but I’m here being paid by Vodafone and that sponsorship is what keeps me 44)afloat,” she says. “The biggest 45)outlay was £4,000 to buy the 46)domain name because I realized if I was trying to build a global brand, it wasn’t going to work without the dotcom.”
  It is, perhaps, a curious career for a woman who graduated from 47)UCL in economics, business and East European studies in 2008, but Dinsey insists she never liked the traditional office environment. After graduating, she worked for two web start-up companies specializing in property searches—“If I worked hard on something and it didn’t get used, I’d be furious. And I got really sick of working with estate agents.” Instead, she moved back in with her parents, and set up What I Wore Today. And does she already know what she will be wearing tomorrow? “Oh yeah. I’ve got it all written down and planned for the week ahead.” She laughs. “I’ve turned my 48)OCD into a business.”
  “创建这个博客是我的新年决心之一,” 丁思坐在伦敦萨摩塞特中心外一边喝着咖啡一边说。“之前,我在推特上发布过自己的时装照片。在创办‘今天我穿了什么’这个博客之前,我已经拥有了2500名‘粉丝’,于是我决定尝试一年,看看结果如何。这一点都不难。我是说,反正我每天都要穿衣服。”
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