罗尔纲在长期的学术研究中 ,对于太平天国的档案文献进行了鉴辨。他的主要成就就是对《江南春梦庵笔记》、《盾鼻随闻录》、《太平天国战纪》、《太平天国起义檄文》等档案文献进行了鉴辨。他的鉴辨方法是外部鉴辨法和内部鉴辨法。外部鉴辨法体现为 :考其来源、考其书写惯例、考其笔迹与字体。内部鉴辨法体现为 :事理分析法、是否违背典章制度法。
In his long-term academic research, Luo Ergang identified the archives of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. His main achievement is to discern the archival documents such as “Notes on Jiangnan Spring Dream Temple”, “The Story of the Shield,” “The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom,” “The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Uprising.” His methods of identification are external and internal. External identification method is reflected as follows: test its origin, test its writing practice, test its handwriting and font. Internal discrimination method is reflected as follows: Analysis of the law, whether the laws and regulations contravene the law.