
来源 :上海师范大学学报·自然科学版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyanqing
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  Abstract:We consider a onedimensional bipolar isentropic quantum hydrodynamical model from semiconductor devices.First,we discuss the classical limit of the stationary solution.Then we discuss the classical limit of the nonstationary initial boundary problem for a onedimensional case in a bounded domain.We show that the solutions to the quantum hydrodynamic model of semiconductors approaches that to the hydrodynamic model of semiconductors as the scaled Planck constants ε tends to zero.
  Key words:bipolar; quantum hydrodynamic model; classical limit
  CLC number: O 29 Document code: A Article ID: 10005137(2015)02011111
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  关键词:双极; 量子力学模型; 经典极限
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