在温切斯特城南,我走过一段斑驳的中世纪古城墙,顺伊钦河清澈的水流往下游走,就在温切斯特学院附近,找到了简·奥斯汀生命最后时刻住过的房子。然而门上的牌子提示,这里是私人住宅,不对外开放。人们在这幢米黄色的房子对面,建了一个小小的纪念园地,墙面大理石碑上刻着简·奥斯汀的一句话“Know your own happiness, Call it hope”,这仿佛是她留给世人的警句。
乔顿村是奥斯汀小说创作的灵感所在。据说,这里距简·奥斯汀的出生地仅10英里左右。从1809年至1817年,奥斯汀和她守寡的母亲、姐姐卡桑德拉(Cassandra)生活在这幢迷人的红砖房内。这幢两层楼建筑,房舍一面临路,三面花园环抱。房子主人是奥斯汀的三哥爱德华·奥斯汀(Edward Austen),乔顿村的大地主。他自己虽然没有在这里住过,但在奥斯汀一家搬来之前,他把住宅布置了一番,更新了水管,把前窗移到了侧面,既隔绝了外界干扰,又能使家人看见花园中的景色。简·奥斯汀对住宅非常满意,她在诗文中加以称赞:
简·奥斯汀故居早在上世纪40年代就被改造成为一座博物馆。1984年至1994年,在著名简·奥斯汀研究学者指导下,乔顿村又对故居博物馆进行了改造。 現在的简·奥斯汀故居博物馆重现了乔治时代一个典型的殷实家庭的景象,拥有大片花园和宽敞明亮的房间,以及许多优雅的家具。展品中包括奥斯汀用于写作的小桌、有着大理石纹纸的小说《艾玛》第一版样书、奥斯汀与家人的通信手稿和为她姐姐精心刺绣的手绢。
也许我们可以从英国学者阿伯特(Rob Abbott)的《简·奥斯汀:将梦想嫁给文字》一书中找到答案。他在回答“为什么今天还要阅读简·奥斯汀”时说:因为现实意义而读,因为幽默而读,因为乐趣而读。他认为,简·奥斯汀是被誉为“地位可与莎士比亚平起平坐的作家”,所著的《傲慢与偏见》等6部小说,经过近两百年的检验,受到一代代读者的交口称赞,部部堪称上乘之作。她的作品如“两寸牙雕”,从一个小窗口中窥视到整个社会的形态和人情世故,在英国小说发展史上有承上启下的意义。
A leading figure in the British literary world of the 18th-19th century, Jane Austen (1775-1817) was born in Steventon, a small town in Hampshire, on 16 December 1775. For much of Jane’s life, her father served as the rector of the Anglican parishes at Steventon. Life in the Austen home was lived in “an open, amused, easy intellectual atmosphere”, which widened Jane’s youthful horizon and influenced her later life and works. She was a fast learner and extensive reader. At the age of 12, she tried her hand at dramatic writing; she wrote three short plays during her teenage years. Jane Austen never got married, immersing most of her life in the joy of reading and writing. Her use of biting irony, along with her realism and social commentary, has earned her acclaim among critics and scholars, and has enchanted numerous love-sick men and women.
Jane Austen has inspired a large number of critical essays and literary anthologies. Her novels have inspired many films, from 1940’s to more recent productions like (1995) and (2016).
Austen died in a house in Winchester, where she was confined to bed and lived her last days, at the age of 41; and was buried in the north aisle of the nave of Winchester Cathedral. The epitaph composed by her brother James praises Austen’s personal qualities, expresses hope for her salvation and mentions the “extraordinary endowments of her mind”, but does not explicitly mention her achievements as a writer. The carvings on a marble wall in a memorial park across from the house reads: Know your own happiness. Call it hope.
The novelist spent eight years in Chawton, a lovely village about 29km from Winchester. Around early 1809 Austen’s brother Edward offered his widowed mother and sisters a more settled life – the use of a large cottage in Chawton that was part of Edward’s nearby estate, Chawton House. Jane, Cassandra and their mother moved into the cottage with a charming brick fa?ade in the summer of 1809. Life was quieter in Chawton than it had been since the family’s move to Bath in 1800. The Austens did not socialize with gentry and entertained only when family visited. Her niece Anna described the family’s life in Chawton as “a very quiet life, according to our ideas, but they were great readers, and besides the housekeeping our aunts occupied themselves in working with the poor and in teaching some girl or boy to read or write.” The view in the sprawling garden inspired Jane Austen all the time. She loved the new residence so much that she wrote a poem for it. For her, the eight years in Chawton was content and perfect. She’d get the breakfast ready for everyone at around nine and play piano for her mother and sister before dinnertime. She spent most of her time writing in the dining room of this 17th century building. It was here that Jane’s genius flourished and where she wrote, revised and had published all her major works: , , , , , and , published posthumously in 1818. Reading and strolling played an important role in the life of the writer. During her last eight years in her life, she explored the nook and cranny of Chawton which she called “a beautiful, marvelous village”. Sometimes she’d walk all the way into the nearby small town.
The cottage is now Jane Austen’s House Museum, the only house where Jane lived and wrote that is open to the public. A double-decker bus took me to the village, where I felt closer to the writer’s soul.
The house was turned it into a museum dedicated to the life and works of Jane Austen, opening to the public in 1949. A Grade-I listed building and one of the most important literary sites in the world, the museum attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year. The Museum holds an important collection of objects associated with Jane Austen, including letters written by Jane and personal effects belonging to her and her family. Particular highlights include her jewelry, first editions of her books, furniture, textiles and the table at which she wrote her much loved novels.
Visitors can freely explore Jane’s home and beautiful cottage garden whilst learning about her life through exhibitions and displays. Hands-on activities for all ages can be found alongside in-depth information panels and family objects, housed in the rooms that Jane would have known. Then, once visitors have had their fill of the enchanting atmosphere, the Museum shop with a large selection of souvenirs is well worth a browse. A dedicated Learning Officer is ready to inspire and transport classes back to early 19th century Hampshire.