国外媒体报道,新加坡南洋理工大学教授拉奇德·雅扎米(Rachid Yazami)研发出一种新型智能芯片,能在10分钟之内将于机电量充满。花费几个小时来等待于机电池充满是一件很痛苦的事情,而雅扎米研发的这种芯片能让这种无聊的等待成为历史:它只需你喝杯早茶的时间,就让手机电量满格。这种芯片体积小巧,足以嵌入到大多数电池中。雅扎米希望将来这种芯片能装配到几乎所有电子设备中,如智能手机和电动汽车。因此,雅扎米希望能与特斯拉展开谈判,商讨如何将这种芯片用于特
Foreign media reports that Rachid Yazami, a professor at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University, has developed a new type of smart chip that will be fully electromechanical in less than 10 minutes. It can be painful to spend a few hours waiting for the battery to be full, and the chip Arjammi has developed makes such a bored wait a thing of the past: it takes just a cup of morning tea and lets the phone Full battery. The chip is small enough to fit into most batteries. Yazami hopes in the future this chip can be assembled into almost all electronic devices, such as smart phones and electric vehicles. Therefore, Yazhami hopes to start negotiations with Tesla to discuss how to use this chip for special