Zhongornis refers to a‘middle’or‘intermediate’bird because its tail was claimed to be transitional between primitive birds with a long bony tail(such as Archaeopteryx and Jeholornis)and those with a short tail ending in a fused tip called the pygostyle(such as Confuciusornis)[1].his inding is signiicant,as it appeared to ill a‘gap’at a critical stage
Zhongornis 指向 a’middle’or’intermediate’bird because its tail was claimed to be transitional between primitive birds with a long bony tail (such as Archaeopteryx and Jeholornis) and those with a short tail ending in a fused tip called the pygostyle ( such as Confuciusornis) [1] .his inding is signiicant, as it had to ill a’gap’at a critical stage