“助学圆梦”六一捐赠+实验室开放日 国家纺织服装产品质量监督检验中心(福建)

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2013年5月31日,在“六·一”国际儿童节到来之际,国家纺织服装产品质量监督检验中心(福建)带着对青少年的关爱再次来到福建师大附属小学,开展“助学圆梦”六一捐赠活动,向该校赠送了价值万元的儿童读物及圆梦基金,并应邀出席了六一表彰大会。在爱心捐赠活动现场,国家质检中心王明葵主任首先代表全体职工为孩子们送上节日祝福,并鼓励青 On May 31, 2013, on the arrival of the “Children’s Day” International Children’s Day, the National Textile and Apparel Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Fujian) once again came to the Fujian Normal University affiliated primary school with love for young people to carry out “Student Dream” donation activities on June 1, donated to the school a million children’s books and dreams Fund, and was invited to attend the 61 commendation ceremony. At the donation activity site, Director Wang Mingkui of the State Quality Inspection Center first delivered holiday greetings to all the staff and workers and encouraged the youth