湖北省人民政府转第二汽车制造厂并参加建设的全体工程技术人员、工人和干部同志们: 第二汽车制造厂胜利建成投产,并经国家验收合格,成为我国第二个规模宏大的汽车工业基地,这是我国社会主义现代化建设的又一重大成就,对繁荣我国的国民经济具有重要的意义。多年来,参加第二汽车制造厂建设的全体职工,群策群力,艰苦创业,
All the engineering technicians, workers and comrades of the Second Automobile Manufacturing Factory who participated in the construction of the second automobile factory and participated in the construction: The second automobile factory was successfully built and put into production, and passed the acceptance check by the state and became China’s second-largest automotive industry. Base, which is another major achievement of China’s socialist modernization drive, is of great significance to the prosperity of our national economy. Over the years, all the employees who participated in the construction of the second automobile factory have made concerted efforts to work hard.