无论是书籍、报纸还是杂志,不难发现大量夹杂英语的文章。有时是个别人名还可以理解,但类似“看来我们还是 say good bye 吧”、“Let me play 一回”这种不伦不类的中西结合,是否让人莫名其妙呢?!这种简单的英语单词或许还难不倒我,但父亲却对英文一窍不通,每每读到类似的句子,就会将文章一丢,内心的恼怒可想而知。上年纪懂英语者有几人?即便是将读者固定在青少年,这种写法也有失妥当。依本人看,既然英语水准很高了,不妨写几篇正统的英语文章投到英语报刊上,大大发挥一下自己的才能,免得招来卖弄之嫌。语言的发展变化在所难免,但我们应该看到其中的弊端,作为炎黄子孙有责任和义务来维护汉语这门
Whether it is books, newspapers or magazines, it is not difficult to find a large number of articles that contain English. Sometimes individual names are understandable, but similar to “I think we still say good bye,” “Let me play once,” is this kind of fragile combination of Chinese and Western, whether it is incomprehensible?! This simple English words may be hard to beat me, but fathers are ignorant of English, and when they read similar sentences, they will lose the articles and their inner irritations can be imagined. How many people understand English at the age? Even if the readers are fixed in the young people, this method of writing is also wrong. According to my own view, since English is of a very high standard, it is advisable to write a few orthodox English articles and submit them to English newspapers and magazines to give full play to their talents so as not to attract suspicion. The development of language is inevitably inevitable, but we should see the drawbacks of it, as the Chinese people have the responsibility and obligation to maintain the Chinese language.