1例24岁女性患者自服卡马西平约150片(共15 g)。约17 h后,被家人发现意识不清伴频繁抽搐,立即送至医院。实验室检查示卡马西平血药浓度为58.7 mg/L,肌酸激酶411 U/L,C反应蛋白23.7 mg/L,血氧饱和度0.78。诊断为卡马西平中毒性脑病、癫痫持续状态,立即给予吸氧、心电监护、静脉补液、利尿、床旁血液过滤和对症支持等治疗。第2天,癫痫发作次数减少,卡马西平血药浓度降至32.9 mg/L;第3天,患者神志转清,偶有癫痫发作;第4天,卡马西平血药浓度下降为12.3 mg/L,无抽搐症状。继续治疗,3 d后患者痊愈出院。“,”A 24-year-old female patient took about 150 carbamazepine tablets (15 g). About 17 hours later, she was found unconscious and frequent convulsions by her family and was immediately sent to the hospital. Laboratory tests showed that the serum concentration of carbamazepine was 58.7 mg/L, creatine kinase was 411 U/L, C-reactive protein was 23.7 mg/L, and blood oxygen saturation was 0.78. Toxic encephalopathy and status epilepticus induced by carbamazepine were diagnosed. Oxygen inhalation, ECG monitoring, intravascular fluid supplement, diuresis, bedside blood filtration, and symptomatic and supportive treatments were given immediately. On the 2nd day, the number of epileptic seizures decreased and the serum concentration of carbamazepine decreased to 32.9 mg/L. On the 3rd day, the patient′s consciousness recovered and seizures occurred occasionally; on the 4th day, the serum concentration of carbamazepine decreased to 12.3 mg/L, and her convulsion disappeared. After 3 days of continued treatments, the patient recovered and discharged.