新民主主义社会是否是独立的历史阶段 ,党史学界历来都有争论。理当如何看等这个问题 ?笔者欲就此发表一点浅见。毛泽东同志指出 :“只有认清新民主主义革命和社会主义二者的区别 ,同时又认清二者的联系 ,才能正确地领导中国革命。”新民主主义革命的目标是建立新民主主义共和
Whether the new democratic society is an independent historical stage or not has always been contested by the party of history of the Party. How to look at this issue right? I want to make a humble opinion on this. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out: “Only by recognizing the difference between the new-democratic revolution and socialism and at the same time understanding the two can we lead the Chinese revolution correctly.” The goal of the new-democratic revolution is to establish a new-democratic republic