目的:调查天津市社区居民灾害急救培训效果。方法根据培训内容设计社区居民灾害现场急救知识技能问卷。随机抽取天津市800名居民进行问卷调查。结果社区居民急救意识有待提高,培训前基本理论知识得分最低,均低于5分。5大基本技术得分偏低,但是高于基本理论。培训后各部分得分提高,差异有统计学意义,P<0.05。结论被调查的社区居民急救意识有待提高,有效的培训方式,能够提高居民的急救意识及提高灾害现场急救及防护能力。“,”Objective To investigate the communities’understanding level on first aid. Methods A self-designed questionnaire on first aid skills was provided to 800 randomly selected residents in Tianjin. Results It reflected an average score the participants received was lower than 5 on the fundamental theory, as well as a low score on the basic five techniques before the training provided. After the training it demonstrated a significant increase on the scores for all the parts which carried statistical meaning. Conclusion The residents were generally lack of first aid skills. The first aid training is considered being effective in improving residents’ ability of first aid and self protection.