细粒棘球绦虫的体积非常小(虫体长4~6 mm)。成虫寄生在狗和少数几种食肉类动物(如山狗和狼)的小肠内。完全成熟的成虫可在这些食肉类动物体内产卵,卵随粪便排出体外。绵羊(包括其它食草类动物,如山羊、牛、骆驼、猪、马等)可食入被感染动物的粪便污染的草而感染。一旦虫卵被这些动物摄入(中间宿主),虫卵在十二指肠孵化,穿过肠粘膜表层,随血流被运到肝、肺这样的血液滤过器官,在这些器官里虫卵发育成为幼虫,称为细粒棘球绦虫包囊,这些包囊内充满着液体(包囊液)。
Echinococcus granulosus is very small (parasites 4 ~ 6 mm). Adult parasites in dogs and a few carnivores (such as dogs and wolves) in the small intestine. Fully mature adults lay eggs in these carnivores and the eggs are excreted with the feces. Sheep (including other herbivores such as goats, cattle, camels, pigs, horses, etc.) can infect infected grass contaminated with excrement of infected animals. Once the eggs are ingested by these animals (intermediate host), the eggs hatch in the duodenum, pass through the intestinal mucosal surface, and are transported with blood flow to organs of blood filtration such as the liver and lungs, where the eggs Development into larvae, called Echinococcus granulosus capsule, these capsules filled with liquid (cyst fluid).