我刊名誉主编 ,中华口腔医学会口腔黏膜病专业委员会名誉主任委员 ,著名的口腔黏膜病专家 ,上海第二医科大学口腔医学院教授、博士生导师许国祺同志 ,因病医治无效 ,于 2 0 0 1年 8月 1 8日不幸逝世 ,享年 85岁。许国祺教授 1 91 7年 4月 1 4日出生于浙江硖石镇 (现海宁市 )。
I published the honorary editor of the honorary chairman of the Chinese Stomatological Association Oral Mucosal Disease Committee, a famous oral mucosal disease experts, Shanghai Second Medical University School of Stomatology Professor, doctoral tutor Comrade Xu Guoqi, invalid due to medical treatment, 1 year August 18 died in unfortunate, at the age of 85 years. Professor Xu Guoqi was born on April 14, 2007 in Shishi Town, Zhejiang Province (now Haining City).