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本文采用数值方法对冷弯薄壁型钢钢板-螺栓连接节点静力性能进行研究,讨论了三种梁柱腹板宽度情况下螺栓间距、连接板厚度、腹板厚度和翼缘宽度等因素对此连接性能的影响。研究结果表明,梁柱腹板宽度、连接板厚度、梁柱腹板厚度是影响该连接节点静力性能的主要因素,而改变螺栓间距、梁柱翼缘宽度对节点的初始刚度和极限承载力的影响均不明显。结合数值分析结果,给出三种截面形式节点的设计构造建议。节点滞回性能研究结果表明:冷弯薄壁型钢钢板-螺栓连接节点的延性系数在3~4左右;节点的耗能系数随转角位移增加逐渐增加,其在地震中能较好的吸收和耗散能量;随着梁柱腹板宽度的增大,延性系数与耗能系数逐渐增大。最后在现有的恢复力曲线简化模型基础上,提出了改进的双线性模型,形式简洁并具有较好的精度。 In this paper, the numerical method is used to study the static behavior of cold-formed thin-walled steel plate-bolted joints. The factors such as bolt spacing, web thickness, web thickness and flange width are discussed for the three kinds of web widths Effect of connection performance. The results show that the influence of the bolt spacing, the width of the beam-column flange on the initial stiffness and the ultimate bearing capacity of the joint is affected by the width of the web, the thickness of the web and the web thickness. Not obvious. Combined with the numerical analysis results, the design recommendations of three kinds of cross-section nodes are given. The results of hysteretic behavior show that the ductility coefficient of cold-formed thin-walled steel plate-bolted joints is about 3 to 4, and the energy dissipation coefficient of nodes increases with the increase of rotational displacement, which shows better absorption and dissipation With the increase of web width, the ductility coefficient and energy dissipation coefficient increase gradually. Finally, based on the existing simplified model of restoring force curve, an improved bilinear model is proposed, which has a simple form and good accuracy.
在我的家乡,我们最喜欢玩滚铁环的游戏。   我们村子里几乎每个小朋友都有铁环、铁钩。节假日,小朋友成群结队地相约在一起,比谁的铁环跑得快。  我第一次滚铁环时,真是狼狈。我右手握住铁钩,左手将铁环放在地上向前一滚,铁环还没等我把它钩住,便一头栽倒在地上,还砸到了我的脚趾头。  我暗暗寻思,难道是用力太小吗?我索性把铁环使劲向前一推,它飞快地滚走了。我握着铁钩,还没回过神来,眼巴巴地看着铁环跑远了。
母爱的痕迹已经深深烙在了小男孩的心里,比眼前的伤痕还深百倍千倍。    多年前一个炎热的夏季,在美国佛罗里达州南部,一个小男孩偷偷跑到家附近的河里游泳。他匆忙脱下鞋子、袜子和衬衣欢快地跳进水里,没注意到一条鳄鱼正从对岸缓缓地游过来。  小男孩的妈妈透过窗户看到了正在发生的一切,恐惧霎时揪住了妈妈的心,她急忙跑到河边,使劲叫唤男孩的名字。小男孩听见妈妈的呼唤便转身往回游。但已经太迟了,等他游到妈妈身