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In National Project and Construction Management Working Conference,Mr. Huang Wei, Vice Minister of Construction proposed the general request ofproject and construction in 2004 is: carrying out conference gist conscientiouslyof 16th NPC, the 3rd plenary session of the central committee of 16th CCCPCand the central economic working conference by adhere to Deng Xiaopeng’sTheory and Three Representative as the guide; insisting on Five OverallPlanning and increasing market’s basic function in allocation of resource, andtrying hand to eliminate system’s obstruction which fetter development ofproductivity. Exerting to change in function of government by carrying outAdministrative Permission Law as main point; rectifying the order of construc-tion market farther by clear up defaulting project fund as main point; improv-ing project construction and architecture statute system farther by modifyConstruction Law as juncture; ensuring the people’s life and possession’s safetyby strengthen management of quality safety; providing technical and economicguarantee for project construction by strengthen standard cost management asmain point; devoting to solve Three Nong (rural area, agriculture, farmer)problem by strengthen training and improve employment environment as mainpoint; enhancing the whole quality of the architecture field by strengthenenergy and competitive power of enterprise as main point and make contributionto developing national economy rapidly and continually and constructing arelatively comfortable society. In National Project and Construction Management Working Conference, Mr. Huang Wei, Vice Minister of Construction proposed the general request ofproject and construction in 2004 is: carrying out conference gist conscientiouslyof 16th NPC, the 3rd plenary session of the central committee of 16th CCCPCand the central economic working conference by adhere to Deng Xiaopeng’s Theory and Three Representatives as the guide; insisting on Five Overall Planning and increasing market’s basic function in allocation of resource, andtrying hand to eliminate system’s obstruction which fetter development ofproductivity. Exerting to change in function of government by carrying outAdministrative Permission Law as main point; rectifying the order of construc- tion market farther by clear up defaulting project fund as main point; improv-ing project construction and architecture statute system farther by modifyConstruction Law as juncture; ensuring the people’s life and possession’s safetyby manageable nt of quality safety; providing technical and economicguarantee for project construction by strengthening standard cost management asmain point; devoting to solve Three Nong (rural area, agriculture, farmer) problem by strengthening training and improving employment environment as mainpoint; enhancing the whole quality of the architecture field by strengthenenergy and competitive power of enterprise as main point and make contribution to developing national economy rapidly and continually and constructing are relativelyly comfortable society.
世界贸易组织 (WordTradeOrganization ,英文缩写为WTO)的前身是关税和贸易总协定(GATT)。中国是 1 947年成立的关贸总协定创始国之一。新中国成立后 ,台湾当局非法窃据中国席位。 1 984年 4月 ,中国取得