新兴里是位于朝鲜北部高寒山区长津湖畔一个平凡的小村庄。53年前,中国人民志愿军第27军与美军步7师第31团号称“北极熊团”在这里拼死搏杀,使之名声大噪。 兵锋相交长津湖 1950年11月我志愿军在取得第一次战役的胜利之后,遵照彭德怀司令员“采取宽大正面运动防御与游击战结合的方针”,停止追击,边打边退,与敌脱离接触,“纵敌、骄敌”(彭德怀语),诱敌深入,由此开始了朝鲜战争中取得最大胜利的战役——第二次战役。
Xinxingli is an ordinary small village on the Changjin Lake in the alpine mountainous area of North Korea. 53 years ago, the 27th Army of the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army and the 31st Army of the 7th Division of the U.S. Army claimed that the “polar bear group” was desperately fighting here, making it famous. Bing Feng Intersecting Changjin Lake In November 1950, following the triumph of the first battle, my volunteer army followed Commander Peng Dehuai’s “broad frontal defense and guerrilla warfare policy” and stopped chasing, retreating and disengaging with the enemy Contact, “rivalry, arrogance” (Pendehuai language), to lure the enemy in depth, thus beginning the Korean war to achieve the greatest victory of the campaign - the second battle.