在1983年恒河猴的生殖季节中发现和处理了难产三例,报告如下: 例1 母猴2549,约3.5岁,7.8公斤,初产。妊娠足月,横位难产,并发先兆子宫破30、阴道大流血、休克。该猴末次月经和交配史不详、未作过产前和孕期检查。饲养员见其阴道流皿2—3日,量多,误认为自然分娩的表现,未予重视。但分娩无进展,且阴道流血增多,不好动,故要求治疗, (一)临床检查:面色苍白、烦燥、肺听诊(一),呼吸48次/分,心音134次/分,心律不齐,血压40/0毫米汞柱,未作血象化验。子宫高19公分,腹围41公分,横位,胎头较大而坚硬,位于右下腹,胎心音消失,宫缩呈阵发性,较
Three cases of dystocia were found and treated during the rhesus monkey reproductive season in 1983, as follows: Example 1 Female 2549, about 3.5 years old, 7.8 kg, primiparous. Full-term pregnancy, transverse dystocia, complicated with threatened uterus 30, vaginal bleeding, shock. The monkey the last menstrual and mating history is unknown, did not make prenatal and pregnancy checks. Feeding see her vaginal flow 2-3 days, volume, mistaken for the performance of natural childbirth, no attention. (1) Clinical examination: pale, irritable, auscultation of the lungs (a), breathing 48 beats / min, heart sound 134 beats / min, arrhythmias do not move, and vaginal bleeding increased, Qi, blood pressure 40/0 mm Hg, no blood test. Uterine height 19 cm, abdominal circumference 41 cm, horizontal, larger and hard fetal head, located in the lower right abdomen, fetal heart sound disappear, contractions paroxysmal, more