目的探讨伴中央颞区棘波儿童良性癫痫(BECT)患儿的脑电图特征和临床意义。方法选择2013年6月至2014年7月BECT患儿22例,分析其脑电图表现及发作时间。结果 22例全部在睡眠中出现癫痫样波,在清醒描记时出现15例;癫痫样波仅出现在中央和(或)颞区者17例,除见于中央、颞区外亦散在性出现于其他脑区者5例;左侧中央颞区明显者9例,右侧中央颞区明显者8例;晚上睡眠发作者10例,中午睡眠发作2例,晨起觉醒前发作者2例,晚上和觉醒前均有发作者8例。结论 BECT是一种特殊癫痫综合征,预后良好,认识其临床和EEG演变的特点及规律可提高对BECT的检出率。
Objective To investigate the characteristics and clinical significance of EEG in children with central temporal spine wave benign epilepsy (BECT). Methods Twenty-two BECT patients from June 2013 to July 2014 were selected and their EEG performance and onset time were analyzed. Results All the 22 cases showed epileptiform waves in their sleep. Fifteen cases were observed during their wakefulness. Epileptiform wave appeared only in the central and / or temporal regions in 17 cases, except those found in the central and temporal regions. Brain region in 5 cases; the left central temporal region was significantly 9 cases, the right temporal central area was significantly 8 cases; night sleep onset in 10 cases, noon sleep episode in 2 cases, morning wake up before onset in 2 cases, Arousal occurred in 8 cases before awakening. Conclusion BECT is a special epilepsy syndrome with a good prognosis. Recognizing the characteristics and regularity of its clinical and EEG evolution can improve the detection rate of BECT.